Little White Lies is a 2010 French comedy-drama film written and directed by Guillaume Canet, starring an ensemble cast of François Cluzet, Marion Cotillard, Benoît Magimel, Gilles Lellouche, Jean Dujardin, Laurent Lafitte, Valérie Bonneton and Pascale Arbillot. The original French title is Les petits mouchoirs, which means "the small handkerchiefs" (see explanation below). The film was released in France on 20 October 2010.
Plot of Little White Lies (2010)
In a Parisian nightclub, party man Ludo (Jean Dujardin) takes off late at night on his scooter, where he's blindsided by a truck. Lying between life and death in the hospital, Ludo is visited by his band of longtime pals, who decide that the gruesome crash shouldn't prevent them from embarking on their coveted summer holidays.
Prior to the trip, another major problem arises when one of the friends, osteopath Vincent (Benoit Magimel), confesses his attraction to nervous-wreck restaurateur Max (Francois Cluzet); their initial tête-à-tête is one of the film's comic highlights. Both are married, and Max clearly isn't game, so when they arrive later with their families at his pristine seaside cottage, tensions are sky-high. The group's stress level is further goosed by pot-smoking rebel Marie (Marion Cotillard), lovesick actor Eric (Gilles Lellouche) and the even more lovesick Antoine (Laurent Lafitte), all of whom are suffering from failed or failing relationships
Cast of Little White Lies (2010)
François Cluzet as Max Cantara
Marion Cotillard as Marie
Benoît Magimel as Vincent Ribaud
Gilles Lellouche as Eric
Jean Dujardin as Ludo
Laurent Lafitte as Antoine
Valérie Bonneton as Véronique Cantara
Pascale Arbillot as Isabelle Ribaud
Plot of Little White Lies (2010)
In a Parisian nightclub, party man Ludo (Jean Dujardin) takes off late at night on his scooter, where he's blindsided by a truck. Lying between life and death in the hospital, Ludo is visited by his band of longtime pals, who decide that the gruesome crash shouldn't prevent them from embarking on their coveted summer holidays.
Prior to the trip, another major problem arises when one of the friends, osteopath Vincent (Benoit Magimel), confesses his attraction to nervous-wreck restaurateur Max (Francois Cluzet); their initial tête-à-tête is one of the film's comic highlights. Both are married, and Max clearly isn't game, so when they arrive later with their families at his pristine seaside cottage, tensions are sky-high. The group's stress level is further goosed by pot-smoking rebel Marie (Marion Cotillard), lovesick actor Eric (Gilles Lellouche) and the even more lovesick Antoine (Laurent Lafitte), all of whom are suffering from failed or failing relationships
Cast of Little White Lies (2010)
François Cluzet as Max Cantara
Marion Cotillard as Marie
Benoît Magimel as Vincent Ribaud
Gilles Lellouche as Eric
Jean Dujardin as Ludo
Laurent Lafitte as Antoine
Valérie Bonneton as Véronique Cantara
Pascale Arbillot as Isabelle Ribaud
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