Flightis a 2012 American mystery drama film directed and co-produced by Robert Zemeckis and featuring an ensemble cast including Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle, Melissa Leo, Bruce Greenwood, Kelly Reilly, and John Goodman. Flight is Zemeckis' first live-action film since 2000's Cast Away and What Lies Beneath.
Premise of Flight (I) (2012)
An investigation of a pilot's emergency landing, which saves 96 out of the 102 people on board, leads to a troubling discovery that he had alcohol in his system during the flight, which might land him in prison.
Cast of Flight (I) (2012)
Premise of Flight (I) (2012)
An investigation of a pilot's emergency landing, which saves 96 out of the 102 people on board, leads to a troubling discovery that he had alcohol in his system during the flight, which might land him in prison.
Cast of Flight (I) (2012)
- Denzel Washington as Whip Whitaker
- Tamara Tunie as Margaret Thomason
- John Goodman as Harling Mays
- Kelly Reilly as Nicole Maggen
- Don Cheadle as Hugh Lang
- Nadine Velazquez as Katerina Marquez
- Bruce Greenwood as Charlie Anderson
- Melissa Leo as Ellen Block
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